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Certified Industrial Hygienist

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A workplace is analyzed by a certified industrial hygienist who conducts tests and identifies the causes of employee illnesses or discomforts. These hazards could be chemical, environmental, physical, biological, or other adverse conditions. The certified industrial hygienist devises a plan to eliminate these hazards and restore the overall health of the workplace.

An inspection by a certified industrial hygienist may be prompted by issues such as mold, toxic substances, poor indoor air quality, hazardous exposures, or other factors. At Express Water Damage Restoration, we offer the expertise needed to identify contaminants, ensure compliance with OSHA laws, and create safer workplaces.

In cases involving mold, asbestos, or other industrial hazards, our certified industrial hygienists determine whether workplace conditions are acceptable after a hazardous cleanup, particularly in mold remediation. The industrial hygienist conducts the inspection and provides Express Water Damage Restoration with the necessary guidelines. Once Dalworth completes the process, the industrial hygienist also handles the post-inspection.

If your business in San Francisco, California, Huntington Beach, Phoenix, Arizona, Los Angeles, California, or anywhere throughout the United States requires an industrial hygiene analysis service, please get in touch with Express Water Damage Restoration. You can contact us online or call 888-778-9693 and inquire about our free estimates.

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    Benefits of Engaging a Certified Industrial Hygienist from Express Water Damage Restoration


    Recognizing the significance of hiring a certified industrial hygienist to identify workplace hazards cannot be overstated. An assessment conducted by Express Water Damage Restoration can provide assistance in the following ways:

    • Cost-saving on medical expenses: Industrial hygiene impacts insurance premium costs, volume of injury claims, and employer healthcare options. Reducing risks and enhancing working conditions with high standards offer long-term benefits.
    • Enhancement of productivity: Cleanliness and safety contribute to physical and mental well-being. Energized and focused employees are more productive and satisfied. Unsafe and unclean workplaces lead to distraction, anxiety, weariness, and tension.
    • Reduction in absenteeism: Healthier employees result in fewer days lost. Decrease in rehabilitation, therapy, specialist visits, disability claims, and other medical-related absences.
    • Allocation of funds elsewhere: Money saved from workplace injuries and illnesses can strengthen and expand a business.
    • Enhancement of professional reputation: A workplace environment characterized by safety, cleanliness, and other positive factors attracts high-quality employees and job-seekers. Improve recruitment efforts.

    Rely on Express Water Damage Restoration for Certified Industrial Hygienists

    By choosing Express Water Damage Restoration, you also choose:

    • Denver’s trusted leader in restoration and cleanup since 1976
    • 24/7 emergency services
    • Free estimates
    • Bonded and insured business
    • Direct assistance with all major insurance companies
    • IICRC-certified crews
    • Licensed mold remediation and removal specialists

    Contact us online or call 888-778-9693 for a certified industrial hygienist analysis, as well as mold remediation services for your workplace. We also provide mold remediation and mold testing. Schedule a consultation today.

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